Ciya Meir

Character Information...

Name: Ciya Meir 

Nicknames: Ci 

Species: Complicated

Height: 5'3

Hair Color: Frosted Brown

Eye Color: Silver/Grey 

Titles: God 

Sexual preference: Pansexual 

Home World: Earth 

Face Claim: Photography by Alessandro Di Cicco


The beautiful shining kingdom of Heaven, a place that most humans hope to go. The realm of God herself. On Ciya's Earth God is a female and unknown to her at the moment she is that being. But before we get into that we must ask the question what is God? People have been trying to figure this out for eons without an answer in sight. If you asked God she might say she doesn't even know. She only knows she started with a thought and it grew to more thoughts as a conscious grew. Somehow the energy of the universe began to seek more than just the nothing and thus God was born.

And she found quickly that she could create things out of the the universe around her and created her home. A place within the stars that was called Heaven where she could look down across the expanse and see all that was there to see but it was lonely so she sought to find others like her. It was then that Rahab, the first angel was created. Created to assist God in making her world because before there was light there was nothing and that nothing was Rahab's power so she brought his conscious forth like her own delighted when he like her became aware. A thinking feeling being like herself to help her to create more life.

He seemed just as delighted as her with this new state of being and as such used his powers to aid her own. She brought light to the universe and it was born through the chaos and the Earth took shape becoming a world as the two delighted in what they had accomplished. Reaching into the deep they created beings to live on this new world and grow creating animals and forests and the seas and she named Rahab lord of the seas after seeing his fondness for it because the depths reminded him of his own power and of the dark that was so much apart of his soul.

The world is an ocean, a raging, roiling sea of turmoil...

However, something was broken with her first children. She had pulled them out of the dark recesses from the cold expanse of space and they seemed to have none of her warmth. Rahab was different than they were he was an angel but they were something not quite a angel nor like God. An almost sort of partial angel that held no emotion for the world it was just a tool for their use and she hoped in time as the beauty of the Earth sunk in they would open up to it thinking that in time they would learn emotions but she was wrong or perhaps she would never find out.

The more of the world they ruined for their gain the more angry Rahab became and slowly they spread their cold even to his oceans the Earth becoming a cold and distant place and he was having none of it. He decided to end them all by flooding the Earth and the world became one rolling sea and they died in the waves having no harbor from the water.

Distraught God became upset with Rahab for killing their creations and he tried to reason with her but in her sorrow and pain she would have none of it. She chained him to the oceans he so loved and returned to Heaven alone causing him to be mad at her and remain on Earth where she had left him.

Try, try, again...

In time though it became lonely all by herself and as much as she was mad at Rahab she did miss him but she didn't think he would want to see her. So, she decided to try her hand at making beings again this time making two parts of herself the left hand of God, the morning star called Lucifer, whose beauty seemed to her unreal and the right hand of God, Mychal whose logic and wit amazed her. She created them to be angels like rehab but unlike him their power did not come from the outside or the nothing. These two beings seemed so good and bright Lucifer like the son and Mychal like the moon that she made more angels.

She took a chance and created them this time from the warmth and the light and while some did misbehave they had feelings and emotions and heaven grew with such wondrous beings that she was happy and she wanted to share it with her old partner. However, first she created another race one she hoped with inhabit the Earth one day but first she set them up in the garden wanting them to grow slowly and gain information in time believing that would keep them from corruption. And she created these beings in her own image like her but in many ways different.

Many angels were curious about these new beings but none so as Samael, who she had to ban from the garden because he keep trying to seek them out. He was always a rather mischievous angel and she found him plotting to teach them things. Knowing him as she did she knew he would have to be ordered not to.However, this seemed to annoy the angel who seemed fond of Eve so he turned himself into a snake in order to talk to her. He decided to convince her to eat the apple from the tree of knowledge his reasons his own though God believes he thought if they knew as much as him he couldn't reveal anything new thus he could go in the garden again and if it was their choice God would have to accept it.

The Fall of Man...

And so the serpent seduced Eve getting her to eat the forbidden fruit which she shared with Adam and thus they gained knowledge and were ashamed of their naked state and as such God decided in that moment to finally show her new creation to all the angels proud of what she had made she realized what had happened and who was behind it. Still she punished them by casting them out of Eden to the Earth below. But first she asked the angels to kneel to what she had made. She hoped it would show she still loved them despite their sin. Lucifer, however, refused to kneel and as such when she ordered him to he refused again.

She told him she would cast him out of Heaven and he said if she did he would raise his own throne above even Heaven because he would not kneel to beings not as great as he. So, Lucifer rebelled and she decided to deal with that later first she went to Earth and asked Rahab to part the seas so humans could live there but he was mad at her for leaving him down there by himself so he said fuck you and she ended up parting them herself as Rahab departed further into the depths ignoring these new beings and in time talking on the name Leviathan.

Returning to Heaven Lucifer had gathered many followers among them Samael who either just thought it was fun or was mad she was upset with him for giving Eve the fruit who is to say. A great war was fought in Heaven and it pitted friend against friend. She was upset to see her children fighting and in time Mychal cast Lucifer out of Heaven to Earth. Some say she could have killed him but he was her friend others that God still loves him most of all angels. Some say it was all Mychal could do seeing how evenly matched they are who is to say. The only thing that is known is Lucifer fell and became the ruler of Hell and from there set his sights on the Earth.

The Battle for Earth...

While Lucifer was setting up his kingdom in Hell, humans were now on the Earth. For the longest time God stayed out of their lives allowing them to progress as they would. They formed societies and Gods to worship giving shape to these new beings, In time they evolved and she saw her people suffering and made herself known to them. The old Gods started to be replaced and this called many of them to join Lucifer as he came to Earth and along with those loyal to him started to convince man to sin. So, those that did belonged to him and those that didn't belonged to her.

On the Earth he seemed to be winning his Hell knights were the strongest warriors and among them the child of Eve and Samael, Cain who Samael convinced to kill his own brother. She believed it was because he wanted his son by his side. So, she created Heaven Knight's to combat the Hell Knights. Eight one for each Hell Knight and from an opposing line to the Hell Knight like the line of Abel for Cain. These beings helped to even the score but humans found sin so much better than rules.

In time Leviathan watching with amusement at Lucifer who sought to create a hierarchy much like the one in Heaven found irony in this and decided to join him becoming one of the four princes of Hell along with Samael, Lucifer, and Baal. In time they took over more and more of the world and God mourned her lost children not understanding why they would choose sin or why they hadn't came back to her. Despite the war many of the high ranking angels remained friends despite being on different sides.

Leaving Heaven...

Something happened in Heaven whether she left to come to Earth to better understand humans or someone or thing managed to cast her out no one knows. She awoke on Earth knowing only a name Ciya Meir and like a child understood nothing of the world around her. She was found by a knight of Heaven named Damien who helps her understand the world around her having no idea that she is God she now seems to be a human girl and the gates to Heaven are locked.

Lucifer found out about her and is keeping her safe because despite the past he does love her. He convinced Damien and Acelynn, another knight of Heaven to guard her. Ace knows who she is Damien does not. He only knows that she is special and that he is falling for her as she is for him. Lucifer fears what will happen if she remembers before her mind is ready that is why he is keeping it a secret from her. For now she is trying to understand a world much like a child would and remember who she is while trying to figure out her strange feelings for Damien. Could it be love?